Integrujące Stowarzyszenie Jeden Świat im. prof. Zbigniewa Religi w Białymstoku
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· Gości online: 2

· Użytkowników online: 0

· Łącznie użytkowników: 60
· Najnowszy użytkownik: Cererdana
Nasi Przyjaciele
Dom Gościnny w Dzięciołówce
Bank Żywności w Suwałkach
Fundacja Psi Uśmiech
Stowarzyszenie Ku Dobrej Nadziei
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Podatek 1%
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Dear Benefactors,

Association for Children and Young People with Special Needs (Jeden Świat) was founded in 2002. Since 20th of April, 2004 it has become public benefit organisation. The Association entered into the National Court Register (27 th January, 2007) and changed its name to Prof. Zbigniew Religa’s Integration Association in Bialystok – the Association which helps handicapped children in Poland.

In behalf of board of directors we turn to everyone for help, support and patronage over our further activity. Parents of the handicapped children are part of The Association as well as all the good-hearted people who want to help and share their professionalism with us.
Our goal is to undertake actions for health improvement, better integration and improvement of our children and young people in the society and give them better future. In order to achieve our goals we would like to set up our own Care Facility (on the October 1 st we signed an assured tenancy to rent two rooms in one of the buildings of Upper-Secondary School Complex NR 2, Letnia Street 1/1), the rooms are located in the old school building where we could treat people by various therapy methods (theatre, plastic arts, music, sports, therapy dogs, horse therapy), attend art reviews and go to therapy and rehabilitation camps - not only in Poland but also in foreign countries.
Our income is entirely provided for the attainment of statutory goal. Therefore, any sort of assistance is crucial for us and will be appreciated; that is assistance with organisation, substantial assistance and financial aid. Because of your help and support we will be able to achieve our goals faster and develop efficiently our Association. The idea is worth supporting because together we can help the children, their families and, simply, bring smile on their faces. We can offer advertisement banners and extend heartfelt appreciation on our website to everyone who could help us. Please, find out more about our Association and visit our websites: (where you can see our pictures)

In behalf of our little charges and handicapped children I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Grażyna Jabłońka, the chairperson of Jeden Świat.

Our Address:

Integrujące Stowarzyszenie Jeden Świat im. Prof Z. Religi
ul. Konwaliowa 3 lok A
15-661 Białystok

NIP 542-27-86-221
KRS 0000144665

Our bank account details:
Bank Address:  PKO BP SA Oddział Regionalny, Białystok
Account number: 71 1020 1332 0000 1002 0026 3921
Podatek 1%
KRS 0000144665

Integrujące Stowarzyszenie

im. prof. Zbigniewa Religi
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